
Losing a loved one to Alzheimer’s

Scott Mitchell - Alzheimer's Research UK Ambassador
Scott speaks emotionally of how the passing of his vibrant wife, the late Dame Barbara Windsor has driven him to raising hundreds of thousands of pounds while also lobbying the government to boost dementia research.

Dementia treatment breakthrough.

Selina Wray - Professor of Molecular Neuroscience
Encouraging developments in early diagnosis and disease-modifying treatments, emphasizing the importance of early intervention. 

Reducing risk through lifestyle choices

Dr Sabine Donnai - Viavi
Only 10 per cent of your health risk is down to your genes – the rest is a lifestyle choice. How to prevent yourself from getting ill with diseases such as Alzheimer’s in the first place. 

How to get a good night’s sleep.

Kathryn Pinkham - The Insomnia Clinic
Practical advice on improving sleep quality with an emphasis on the importance of a consistent sleep routine and managing stress to combat insomnia.

Scaling up marine habitat restoration.

Danny Renton - Seawilding
95% of seagrass meadows have disappeared from UK coastal waters. Seawilding, is an innovative community-led native oyster and seagrass restoration project which aims to restore lost biodiversity, sequester carbon and create green jobs.

Creativity: The future.

Joe Murphy, Joe Robertson & Majid Adin - Good Chance Part 1
Joe and Joe are British playwrights and the co-founding Artistic Directors of Good Chance Theatre, using the power of theatre to change lives and minds.