
Food and the future of eating.

Dr Morgaine Gaye – Food Futurologist
From a place of uncertainty, we need to understand how the events of 2020 impacted our realities and how they will inform our futures. Food never exists in a vacuum and all other aspirations inform what we will eat and why.

Demystifying a world dominated by AI.

Tabitha Goldstaub – Chair of UK Government AI Council
AI has the potential to improve human quality of life significantly. From healthcare and education, to revolutionizing the world of work, to helping address the climate crisis, if adopted ethically and responsibly the opportunities are endless.

The future of digital health.

Professor Shafi Ahmed – Surgeon
The pandemic has demonstrated how innovation can rapidly be deployed to improve patient outcomes and experiences. Exponential technologies are allowing health and care to be reimagined and the future of health will be supported by digital.

Information warfare.

Carl Miller – Research Director, CASM
Welcome to the world of dark influence, where those fighting this battle are trying to manipulate what’s seen and believed and to influence culture and values. We might call it “fake news” or “disinformation” but while it’s something we.

The business case for stakeholder capitalism.

Paul Polman – Founder & Chair, IMAGINE
Covid hasn’t changed the issues we all face, just added urgency. More of us now understand the complexities of our system and it’s time for business leaders to step up and act with courage to create momentum for the opportunities that lie ahead.

Regenerative neurology - The future

Siddharthan Chandran
Disorders of the ageing brain are a major public health threat. Now disruptive technologies including stem cell creation are offering opportunities to accelerate the discovery of new medicines and we are on the cusp of a revolution for regenerative.