
Seawilding is a pioneering, community-led charity working with coastal communities to restore degraded inshore marine habitats to enhance biodiversity, improve water quality, sequester carbon and create green jobs.   

Our flagship projects to restore 1 million native oysters and acres of seagrass meadows in Loch Craignish are the first of their kinds in the UK. Seagrass meadows are biodiversity hotspots and an important carbon sink. Native oysters are eco-system engineers that filter and clean water and provide breeding and nursery grounds for fish.  Their restoration is key to a healthy ecosystem.  

Seawilding develops best-practice, low-cost methodologies and training programmes to help other coastal communities do the same with the aim of achieving restoration at scale all round Scotland. These community projects involving scores of volunteers lead to empowerment, inclusion and advocacy for better, sustainable management of inshore marine habitats. Seawilding also works with local schools to teach them about the marine environment, encouraging them to get hands-on with restoration and nurturing a passion for the marine world.  

With 350,000 native oysters having been released so far and acres of seagrass planted, our community-led action is finding solutions to address the environmental crisis.